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The local 70372 of the National Employees (UNE) of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) was founded in 1979 when the employees of the Administrative and Foreign Services Category negotiated and signed their first Collective Agreement. Later on, in 1981, the employees of the Administrative Support Category negotiated and signed theirs.

Our union exists to protect, promote and serve the interests of our members, placing a greater focus on workers’ rights and human rights. Working together, we aim to improve our members’ lives.

Your Local Executive is made up of people who work where you work and is there to help you at a grassroots level. Local leaders are well-equipped to help their members (you) because they are very familiar with their workplace’s culture and reoccurring issues. You could say that they're the eyes and ears of the union.

If you need advice on a workplace issue, are concerned about protecting your rights, or are experiencing discrimination or harassment, we highly encourage you to contact your Local union representative. These members are sworn to confidentiality and are trained to provide you with the assistance you need.

That being said, the true strength of the local is its members. We therefore want to hear from you! There are local meetings where you can provide your direct input to the union and any suggestions that you may have, plus your local representatives are always available to listen. In addition, from time to time we may request your assistance in taking actions in order to support the union in meeting their goals and objectives on behalf of the membership. We are also always looking for volunteers to participate in various projects and activities lead by the local.

We created this website to facilitate the sharing of information with you. We therefore invite you to navigate the site to learn more. Do not hesitate to contact your local representatives to share any additional information would like to see added to the website.

In solidarity,
Local Executive 70372